virtualfork: an automated digital footprint generator, 2021

The sweeping transformations of the digital era have brought massive upheaval to just about every corner of life. Above all, it has confronted our understanding of "self". As the previously discernible boundary between the physical and the virtual has become ever so elusive, the relevancy of constructing such a separation is challenged. 

virtualfork is a fully automated digital footprint generator. Whenever a physical being enters its vicinity, a motion tracking camera recognizes the movement and initializes the system. Guided by visual and audible cues, the user can see various metrics characterizing their movement displayed on the main screen. As they navigate around the space, a progress bar gradually fills up. Upon reaching completion a digital trace is automaticaly generated in that moment of time. This is done in form of a digital cryptocurrency transaction. This method is chosen because of the immutable qualities of the blockchain, ensuring that traces are consistently open for verification and have a lasting presence. A QR code is generated on the secondary screen, allowing the user to verify the transaction.


Creative Direction: Ilja Kolosovs

Code & Design: Ilja Kolosovs

Audio Composition: David Bock 


virtualfork v1: Gogbot 2021

virtualfork v2: AKI Finals