texture map #001
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texture map #011
texture map, 2020
Pigment print
28 x 42 cm
"Texture mapping is a method for mapping a texture on a computer-generated graphic. The texture here can be high-frequency detail, surface texture, or color." - Wikipedia
‘texture map’ delves into expansive digital spaces, exploring the possibilities inherent in openly available resources. Crafted with Google Earth, the images of "texture map" guide the observer to otherwise inaccessible locations. In the urban hustle, nature becomes somewhat abstract for the modern man, contributing to a collective forgetfulness of its essence.
Thanks to satellite scanning and the internet, With a mere click of the mouse, one can traverse the vast expanses of the Earth zooming in on locations that might be unwittingly misconstrued as a petri dish, a wood pattern, or a leather texture. This abstraction of nature, available exclusively through an aerial perspective and facilitated by technological advancements, emphasizes our relationship to nature, showcasing the interplay between the remote and the immediately accessible.